Network Marketing Coach | Network Marketing Trainer

2009-06-30 29
Hello this is Otis Collier, "Network Marketing Coach" and Trainer. When joining a business opportunity what is the one thing that most people lack? A [network marketing coach].

Today I was send an email from Antonio Brutus who asked that I check out what Gospel Jackson was doing. Gospel actually went to Florida to meet and train some of his followers. This is exactly the type of thing you would exspect from a great {network marketing coach}!

Network Marketing Coaches:

* Train their followers and give them the tools to be successful
* Encourage and motivate those whom count on them for support
* Give their downline members a kick in the butt when needed
* Give willingly of their time and knowledge

Based on the above qualifications, are you a network marketing coach?

Otis Collier
Network Marketing Coach | Network Marketing Trainer